A well-educated friend recently told me that he did not understand the reference I made to how recent times in the U.S.A. mirrored what happened in the 1930s in Germany. I have a different background since I am Jewish and the product of German parents who had to leave the country they loved. I am writing what I could not have as of 1933 in Germany. My father was thrown out of university in that year. Every word I write below can be fully documented but if I included all the details this Missive would go on for many pages.
Here are a few examples of parallels that concern me. The Reichstag Fire,1933, a few weeks after Hitler became Chancellor, was used as an excuse to abolish a number of constitutional protections and this paved the way for Nazi dictatorship. In the U.S. right-wing protesters stormed the Capitol and looked to hang those they said were taking over the government because of what they saw as a crooked election.
In the same year, 1933, university students in Munich started the Book Burning. In the U.S. we don’t burn the books; we ban them by taking them off library shelves at schools and public libraries denying our students education in many areas including the history of our own country.
Hitler called for a nation of a pure Aryan race. In the U.S. there are calls for a Christian Nation. From day one Hitler worked to expel those who did not fit into the Nazi concept of a master race. While mainly about Jews, according to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, a few of the others that were to be expelled one way or the other were Black people, Gay men, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and people with disabilities.
CNN reported regarding the 2024 race that Trump said of immigrants: “They’re poisoning the blood of our Country”. The former President also has said he wants to create “camps” where all immigrants should be kept until they can be sent out of the country. Starting in 1933, long before his use of the ovens for the “final solution”, Hitler created concentration camps for those he did not find fit or spoke against the Third Reich.
There are many examples of Trump’s contempt for the handicapped. Former Marine Corps General and one-time Trump chief of staff, John Kelly, said that Trump did not want to be photographed with military amputees because “it doesn’t look good for me.”
The Third Reich spoke of mainstream news as “Lügenpresse” (press of lies). Sound familiar? The term “fake news” comes directly from there. The former President recently has stated that he wishes CBS to lose its license because of the network’s interview of Kamala Harris, which he skipped out on. While he was still President in 2019 the New York Times wrote that he referred to it as “a true ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!” That is fascism 101.
Hitler had his enablers who started planning already in the 1920’s. Here there is Project 25. The Fuhrer and the Maga party are in lock step in first delegitimizing existing government departments, and then forcing them to do their bidding.
In his rise to power Hitler affiliated militias with his Nazi Party, the SA (paramilitary “brown shirts”) and SS-( an elite Aryan sub-group). Trump encourages self-recruiting militias like the Proud Boys who he urged to “stand by!”.
Thanks for this. My pop captained a Lancaster bomber as a member of the RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force) - flew 33 missions over Germany and managed to survive. It's so hard to understand how our recent history has been erased from people's minds.